October 6, 2021
November 23, 2021
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Fate, cleverly in disguise,
Moves around invisible,
Master-minding our lives,
Leaves effects indelible!

Just one stroke of its fingers,
Vast mountains it can move,
None its shadow can escape,
Every second goes to prove!

Our direction firmly monitored,
Altered, many a plan,
When fate decides, we bow low,
Acceding to its command!

Some master fate decidedly
Shaping their own destiny
They fell, swoop, shape and scour
Yet land up at fate’s door

Fate waits with time a-plenty
Nothing can cramp its style
For royal and for pauper
Each title will walk its aisle

Fate’s king! We’re at its service,
An ever loyal band,
And fate, it has the last laugh,
With a flourish of its hand!

(This is for many who ascribe things to fate.. For me, there’s FAITH and the MIGHTY HAND OF GOD)


  1. Nina says:

    So true! Especially the footnote. Because whatever happens is a part of God’s plan
    And no matter how good or bad it may seem to us
    In the end it is all for the best … To fulfil God’s divine plan…
    What a beautiful poem!!!! So wonderfully rhymed! 😃👏👏👏

    • Loretta says:

      Thanks Ninzy…. I love reading your comments! 😍 🌹😘
      Whatever anyone calls it, doesn’t matter… Fate, destiny, karma… Our lives are in God’s Mighty Hands and His Will be done! Thanks and praise be to the Lord our God, for delivering and protecting us. 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Uday says:

    Very very true. God’s plan is always better than our usual plans. 🙏🙏👌🏽👌🏽 Superb audio very crisp and clear ✌🏽✌🏽

    • Loretta says:

      Thanks a ton for the lovely comment, Uday!
      God is great and God is good! Our belief sees us through everything, when we submit to God’s plan… ❤👍

  3. Lydia says:

    Wow..your poem ‘ The Hand of Fate’, is a real eye opener, Lola.
    It is far better to have faith and trust in Almighty God than to lean on ‘Fate’. Very well written and recited by you. 🙏👍👏✝️😍

    • Loretta says:

      Thanks dear Lydoo! 😘🙏❤
      God is our Defender and Protector… So there’s no need to worry about tomorrow or the next moment… When we trust in His Will, why fear? Thank you for liking the poem.. 😘🌹👍

  4. Lucy D'souza. says:

    “The Hand of Fate” is a very beautiful and true to life, poem. And as the footnote says, our fate is ultimately in the hands of God. He alone shapes our destiny. Superbly written, and recited, dear sis Lola. 👍🙏💐❤️😍😘

    • Loretta says:

      Wow! Thanks, dear sis Lus, for your wonderful appreciation of the poem, and your comment on the footnote 👍🙏… Yes, God’s hand guides, protects, delivers and saves… He goes after the one sheep of His flock, when it’s lost! He’s an awesome GOD… Our wonderful Good Shepherd..

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