February 21, 2022
March 23, 2022
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NOSTALGIA (Going back in time).

Sitting in a mighty slump
Feeling low down in the dump
Feeding on thoughts from the brain.

Mislaid plans, morbid dreams
Filling reams on endless reams
Plunging back down memory lane.

A time of undisturbed bliss
With almost nothing going amiss
The growing years, the paving way.

Circumvented deep in time
A stark moment so sublime
Another place, another day.

Sashaying in like a princess
Clinking ice in a wine-glass
Springing corks off bottled champagne

Reeking of adolescence
A time of parting innocence
First twinges of lost love’s pain.

Dressing up the wound again
Freshening up in the rain
Casting life upon a surging wave

In control, right on top
Nothing and no-one to stop
Sailing smoothly, pushing brave.

Life’s mysteries to unfold
Life’s missions to uphold
Dreaming on into the night

Sitting mute, just observing
Journeying within, ever learning
To rise abreast, keen on life’s flight!

(FOOTNOTE :This poem is not about any particular individual or group of individuals, but of human beings as a race and the different stages from innocent to mature to mellow.. 🥰)


  1. Nina says:

    Very unique three lined stanzas
    Exceptional poem! Almost everyone can connect to these lines …. The title itself is beautiful!!

  2. Loretta says:

    Thanks a million, dearest Ninz, feel so nice when someone understands the words perfectly, as it’s actually meant! Such a relief really… God bless you.. Umwah

  3. Loretta says:

    In this poem you will notice the first two lines in each stanza rhymes and the last line rhymes with the last line of the next stanza.

  4. Uday says:

    Very well described 👏👏👏 Yes I noticed
    rhymes in the poem. I just loved it how the words are used to create rhyming pairs. 😍😍😍 Keep it up Mumma. Soothing voice to recollect old memories and phase.

    • Loretta says:

      My dear Uday, I’m really happy to read your comment and realize that what I wrote then, is relevant and can be related to, in this modern, synthetic world… Hehe, no offense, but the so-called generation gap does exist! And then, there are ‘old souls’ like you, who transcend age and time.. 😄🌹🙏

  5. Leslie D'Souza says:

    Loved the words and your use of the Tercet form (triplet) of poetry. In this AAB form, the three lines are called the hook, line and sinker.

    • Loretta says:

      Wow! Thanks for the beautiful explanation of the Tercet form, dear Les.. I didn’t know it, and yet used it.. It is something unfathomable… I’ve written another poem too, in the same style… Very light, but here’s hoping you’ll like that as well… 😍🌹🙏

  6. Loretta says:

    God bless you all… I enjoyed your comments. Feel so blessed! 🙏🙏🙏

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