April 24, 2022
April 25, 2022
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My reflection stares right back at me
As pensive, I sit by the waterside,
And ponder the days, the years flown by
With the swiftness of the waning tide

I dream of the love that was meant to last,
Where did I go wrong, I agonize
What didn’t I do quite right, I muse,
Love should be for always, it never dies!

Life at its best, was roses and song
At its worst, it was moments gone wrong
Plenty at times, and again, there was dearth
As surely will vouch, who’ve walked this earth

When love was in residence, cares were few
Love flew thro’ the window, leaving only rue
Life’s figures turned to shadows on the wall
As time traveled and with it swallowed them all

Precious moments have fled, never to return,
Ah, these memories, so bitter-sweet!
But we come to this world alone, I guess,
And alone we will go to our last retreat!

So I meander along, lost in solitude,
It’s sadly as it was meant to be,
A sea of faces may be milling around,
Yet there’s only me, to keep me company!


  1. Nina says:

    Wow!! So beautifully penned….
    The pics are so apt…
    Listening to you can make you transport to another time and place. Beautiful poem and very well narrated.

  2. Leslie D'Souza says:

    Awesome poem, Beautiful words…silence and solitude – thoughts can lead to great joy as well as deep sorrow.

    • Loretta says:

      Thank you so much, dear Les…It’s so true of life…There are moments and then there are moments…They’re gone in a flash..And the harsh truth is that we go alone…

  3. Loretta says:

    Thank you for the appreciation of the emotions of this poem…and of its narration…love you, Ninzu, God bless!

  4. Uday says:

    Very well-framed and nice rhyming pairs at the end.
    I really liked this part.. “we come to this world alone, I guess, and alone we will go to our last retreat.. “

  5. Loretta says:

    Yes, dear Uday, you’ve nailed it! That’s the bitter truth we all have to face sooner or later….thanks for the appreciation…God bless! 😍🙏🌹

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