September 5, 2021
September 13, 2021
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Oh Immaculate Mary
Sweet lily of the field
Born to singular purpose,
That creation be healed

The Messiah, Redeemer,
The fruit of your womb
The Light of Salvation
Saved mankind from doom

From the very beginning
You were God’s chosen One
To obedience, you mothered
Our God, your own Son

Knowing well, your reward
Would be suffering so deep,
You’d see your Son crucified
The reward, we would reap

Tender, merciful Mother
Man’s mother you’d be
Trading the life of your Son
So man could be free

God’s plan you perfected
According to His Will
To return His creation
To life ETERNAL!

Can sinful creation
This debt ever pay?
Oh Heavenly Mother
We bow and we pray

Life’s final moments
Will behold, we believe
Our Queen of the Heavens
Creation’s New Eve!



  1. Rosh Naidu says:

    Beautiful poem.May Mother Mary protect you n the family. God bless 🙌 ..HUGS

  2. Loretta says:

    Thanks, dear sis Roshie… May Mother Mary protect us all under her mantle… 💙💙💙
    God bless you abundantly! 🙏😘

    • Lydia says:

      Beautiful poem Lola, in honour of Mother Mary, wherein you have shown her humility and obedience to God’s Divine Will. Loved the singing and music by Nina and you and good visuals too. Mama Mary please pray for us all. 🙏🙏🙏💐💓

      • Loretta says:

        Thanks dearest sis Lyd! Feels nice to get appreciation and encouragement… Ninz makes fabulous videos for the songs we sing. May Mother Mary protect us and cover us with her mantle.. God bless

  3. Leslie says:

    Beautiful poem to our most Beautiful Mother. Mother Mary, pray for us!

    • Loretta says:

      Thank you dearest brother Les… So glad you liked the poem and the song made from it… You’re the first person I had shared this poem with, and you loved it then too… May Mother Mary protect us and may God bless us all 🙏💙✝️🎵

  4. A K DANIEL says:

    Nice one! no word to say. super!

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