October 27, 2022
July 7, 2024
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It really is so simple, you have no time to think
When you’re on the crossing line to death, you go without a blink
And though my sojourn seemed unending on earth’s vast paradise
I had reached its final stage and awaited my heavenly prize.

Life was inundated with zest, with my Prince consort at my side
Joy and laughter, his witty banter, took a dive the day he died
Life as queen was never easy, but neither was I given choice
It was deigned by God above and I acceded with grace and poise

Carrying out my duties for my country and foremost for my God
I had to be prepared to guard against every unexpected odd
But grit I had and rode my steed full gallop, straight and tall
Maintaining steady balance, avoiding many a pitfall

Though queen, I felt connected with every soul I met
Although terrified, when one such, confronted me near my bed
Through my reign I devoted my whole life and lent to every cause
And hopefully you think so too, I’ll know by your applause

I drove full throttle through the tense, weary years of bitter war
Relinquished hold on colonies that felt the United Kingdom had gone too far
Crushed many an inflated ego, sidelined many a furtive foe
And through it all a smile retained, staying always on the go

Family was first to me and yes, I valued every member
Even those I oft rebuked, their duties to remember
I represented God and with maturity far beyond my years,
I undertook what came my way and smiled even through my tears

Life brought me heady challenges and though I looked delicate and frail
I never ever shied away from all that it entailed
With my Prince Charming steadily through happiness and sorrow
We took it on and fought our way to a sturdier tomorrow

And now at heaven’s gate I pass through, without single regret
To unite with my departed one, my partner through life and death.
To God is the ultimate glory for the eventful life I led
I’ve forsaken my earthly crown to win a heavenly one instead!

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