August 27, 2021
September 8, 2021
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Oh, how I cried when Mother took my hand,
“It’s off to school, be good, you understand?
To read and learn is life’s important feature
To impart this is the duty of your teacher”.

So I’m off to school, all trembling to the bone
The tears fall fast, as Mom leaves me alone
And all around me are toddlers same as I
And cacophony fills the air as they all cry

Then suddenly a lilting voice lifts in the air
SILENCE! the word slices through my despair
I’m rooted where I sit, in a two-seater
And I look into the eyes of my first teacher.

New eyes would pry into my soul thro’ the years
Different hands would gently wipe the tears
Different voices loving, stern, admonishing
With just one purpose and a single mission.

Our teachers shape and mold and guide and guard
Impossible is just a word; nothing’s too hard
The ultimate lesson that will define our life
And help us brave the years of strain and strife

Come all and lift your voices loud and clear
So teachers spread all o’er the world can hear
Teachers, you strengthened our body and our mind
You taught us how in life, our goals to find.

For inspiration, knowledge, for lighting our path
We thank you from the bottom of our heart
For wisdom, truth, for being a special friend,
We salute you teachers and love you to the end.


  1. Lucy D'souza. says:

    Lola, your poem, “Angels of Wisdom” is really superb and you have recited it so beautifully in an angelic voice. It is reminiscent of our days at school and all the pearls of wisdom which our teachers imparted to us. Thanks Lola. God bless. πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ’πŸ•―οΈβ€οΈ

    • Loretta says:

      Thank you so much, dear sis Lus for your beautiful comment.. Yes, those were the best days of our lives.. I remember all my teachers with oodles of love! πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸ˜
      Thanks once again, for the lovely appreciation.. 😘 God bless you abundantly! HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAY!!!

  2. Nina N says:

    Brought back so many memories of my first teacher at school and of all the other teachers who taught me throughout the years, the best of all being Sr Lilian who taught me that ‘Nothing is Impossible – Everything is HIMpossible’! The inspiration, knowledge and care that I received from all my teachers in school and college is all that I needed to become what I am today. And ofcourse my closest and prettiest teacher of all – you mamma – are the best example of all, as I have learnt through not only your words (or your amazing stories) but rather through your way of life. Each step of the way you inspired me to become better, brighter and braver. You made me realize the importance of Perfection – even if it costs you sweat and tears πŸ™‚ love you and all my amazing teachers. God bless the souls of all my teachers who have passed. May they all shower blessings from heaven. Also praying for the world to heal soon and all children to go running back to school so that they can embrace the joy of learning together and grow under the right influence of a teacher.

    • Loretta says:

      Wow! Lovely write-up, as a fitting tribute to all your teachers… Also to our dearly departed teachers! 😍😍😍
      Appreciate you complimenting me so much, my dear Ninzy, though I’m quite unworthy of such accolades… Nevertheless, we live and learn, even through our mistakes, especially through them… They reveal the path to avoid and the path to follow. πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸ‘
      You are MY best teacher, now, and you have a large following among your students! Praise the Lord! Praise to our greatest TEACHER ever! Our Lord Jesus Christ… ❀❀❀
      HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAY!!! 🌈🌈🌈

      • Lydia says:

        A lovely nostalgic poem written and recited by you Lola. We all have cherished memories of our school life, especially of our wonderful teachers who taught us not only subjects like Physics and Chemistry but also did their best to mold us into good human beings.
        We salute all those’ Angels of Wisdom’ on this Teachers’ Day. Thanks Lola. πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ’πŸ’“πŸ˜

        • Loretta says:

          Thank you so much, dear sis Lyd, for your lovely comment… We enjoyed our school days thoroughly and had such wonderful teachers. I’ve never had any teacher behave anything but kindly. And yes, they didn’t just cover the syllabus, which was their main duty, but encouraged us, helping the shy students like I was, to shine….
          May God bless all teachers during this most traumatic experience for them and for all students.. πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒˆ

        • Rosh+Naidu says:

          Beautiful words to our teachers. God bless you sis. HUGS

          • Loretta says:

            Thank you, dear sis Roshie… Always appreciate your kindness and generosity in commenting and encouraging me always.. πŸ’žπŸŒˆπŸŒΉ
            God bless! πŸ™

      • Cynthia says:

        Wonderful words and recitation

  3. khushboo Dattani says:

    Absolutely Lovely Description of how and what importance Teachers play in our life…These lines reminded me of my childhood and all other guiding lights of my life❀️ The one who have gives true shape to a person are these teachers …❀️
    Thankyou for these beautiful description ma’am

    • Loretta says:

      Really sweet comment, Khushboo ….Thank you so much! Yes, our teachers are our guiding lights and school becomes our second home till we graduate πŸ™πŸŒΉ
      Thank you so much! God bless! 😍

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