I AM says the Lord, I AM..
July 21, 2024
July 22, 2024
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When explosive anger gets you at its worst
And it feels like your veins and nerves will burst
Take a moment, breathe in, allow it to dissipate,
Then tackle the situation or you’ll find it too late

Take the bull by the horns, make it calm, keep it sated
Don’t let the enragement inflame, it will end up ill-fated
You can count to ten and backwards again
Maybe bite on your tongue till it’s riddled with pain.

The sting of anger will get you, infect you
And the hurt that it causes is not caused by another
So be sure you know that, before you land in a stew
It’s you who’ll get roasted, so take it no further

When you’re desperate with anger coursing in every vein
The lesson you’re forced to learn is simple and plain
Don’t let revenge destroy you, but with good sense forgive,
Prove that you’re the bigger person, when you just live and let live.

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