July 19, 2024
July 21, 2024
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So we’ve let Modi come in riding
And Rahul go backsliding
And if Kejriwal has setbacks
You can blame it on the kickbacks
Which have landed him right into the ‘aam’ barracks.

It’s we who allow them to rule
Prepared to designate a ‘fool’
And so they make us sway
And have wishes all their way
And we get lost into the routine of our day!

Stay dumber than they,
And they have a field day
For the ball’s in their court
In the air we allow it to float
And the catch is dropped, when we fail to vote

We’re so great in number
Yet we’re all in a slumber
But the day we wake up
And show greater pluck
Is when their’chai’ will shake and shudder in their cup!

In God’s name we’re fooling
Ourselves, by our own doing
No one else gets the blame
Yet we seem to feel no shame
On a silver platter handing over the spoils of their game.

We prostrate before human ‘gods’
Give false stature to frauds
At the helm of their station
They revel in all temptation
Change history, by name games, in their nation.

Democratic is our Republic?
Cast aside that in a flick
If one man comes to rule
For over a decade, is it cool?
We’re just nincompoops floundering in a dictator’s pool.

It’s not our country anymore
We are delusioned by the crore
‘Twould be better to fall by the sword
Than by a smooth talker’s deceitful words
That has choked an entire country, full of nerds.

Hurling stones ain’t gonna stop
Conning, corruption ain’t gonna drop
Till standing united, in one voice fight
The rotted system, for our constitutional right
Then the country will be ours and with it, victory and might.

Remember the ‘Me Too movement?
It quelled vice and brought improvement
To an industry, nay, a world of big-shots.
Casting couches, and dubious flesh pots
Where human dignity was ripped off, of the have-nots.

We’re a country, ridden with freewheelers
With hidden agendas and sleazy dealers
Don’t be deluded into a free ride
Where there’s downside more than upside
Take a call, forge your strength, unanimously vote, to turn the tide.

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