June 25, 2021
July 2, 2021
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I traced the first seed of desire,
As it took root that fateful day,
When unheeding Adam’s warning,
Eve ate the apple anyway!

The luscious fruit that cropped up,
Spread quickly o’er the land,
Its forbidden taste none could resist,
‘Twas just as Satan had planned!

Hither, thither, as it scattered,
It sprouted up sure and strong,
Placed us humans in a quandary,
To distinguish right from wrong!

And as it grew men blundered,
And as it thrived women fell,
And the devil and his evil band
Pranced in merriment, in hell!

Now desire rules the world, dears,
We’re fettered by its bands;
We eat and walk, sleep and talk,
In accordance with its demands

Just can’t live without desire,
It’s like food without the salt,
And just to remind you fellas,
It was all in all, Eve’s fault!

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