(A beginning at the end)
I wake up to another day
And yet with unseeing eyes,
I pass it by without comment
And though I scan the skies,
‘Tis not to wonder at the infinite
Nor marvel at its vast expanse,
I look at it, yet look it through,
I move and yet am in a trance.
The flowers, the trees, the birds, the bees,
The hues, the scents, the clouds, the seas,
The hush of the wind, the freshness of mist,
All there, but to me, none exist!
Alas! Weighed down by sorrows,
By nameless cares entwined,
I pass through life, it passes me by
Though I see, yet I am blind!
And so I blunder through life’s degrees,
I’m swept along by it’s brooding seas,
I reach a point of no return,
Through life’s lonely sojourn.
The racing time again stands still,
I’ve crossed the rivers; I’m o’er the hill,
And realization brings another dawn,
I begin to LIVE! I am REBORN!