July 21, 2024
July 21, 2024
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Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.- 1 Chronicles 16:11

Yes, wake up every morning and first thank and praise the Lord;
Give Him Glory, for this new day, a singular blessing from our God.

See Him, among our family members, in people and faces,
Seek His Holy Face in churches and other holy places.

Finding His strength in the air we breathe, in each and every charitable deed,
In the slippery steps we often tread, in our devotional daily bread.

Our purpose on this earth, the reason we took birth,
Is to praise and worship the Lord, our Great, Almighty God,

To serve to win His favor and to love our every neighbor.
NOT to reject and complain, or to ridicule and blame,

But to live the miracle of life, amidst the trials and the strife,
And WIN every toss and survive through our every loss.

REJOICE always, feel His Presence, find courage in life’s lessons,
You’ll make them lessons well learnt, even if in learning we get burnt.

But the burns and bruises separate, who wins from who loses;
If well learned, we’ve surely won the fight, on this treacherous walk of life.

So keep seeking His face and keep facing the fight.
You will ultimately win the race and will have won it right!

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